(605) 455-2331
Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm
Anpetu Luta Otipi offers a variety of data driven programs and services that have been specifically tailored to meet the needs of Oglala Sioux Tribal members. Through the planning, implementation, and evaluation of high quality programs and services Anpetu Luta Otipi focuses on achieving three measurable long-term outcomes:

  1. Increase alcohol, commercial tobacco, and drug use (ATOD) abstinence among youth residing on the Pine Ridge Reservation; as evidenced by a 5% increase in the prevalence of youth 10 to 17 that report ATOD abstinence by 09/2019.
  2. Reduce binge drinking behavior among adults residing on the Pine Ridge Reservation; as evidenced by 5% reduction in the prevalence of binge drinking by adults ≥ 18 years old by 09/2019.
  3. Reduce past 30-day, 12 month, and lifetime use of illicit drugs among youth (10 to 17) and adults (≥ 18 years); as evidenced by a 5% decrease in prevalence past 30-day, 12 month, and lifetime drug use by 09/2019.
All program activities and services are guided these three outcome objectives and long-term progress within these priorities are carefully assessed at the population level as well as among those clients seeking services. In order to make progress toward the long-term outcome objectives Anpetu Luta Otipi has established the following outputs design to systematically improve the programs services and reach over time:

    • Goal 1: Assess the need for alcohol and substance abuse prevention, treatment, and relapse support services within the Pine Ridge Reservation.
      • Objective 1.1 - Monitor the prevalence of alcohol, commercial tobacco, and other drug use on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
      • Objective 1.2 - Assess existing gaps in alcohol and substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.
      • Objective 1.3 - Assess the quality of existing services as part of continuous quality improvement.
      • Objective 1.4 - Collaborate with the OST’s epidemiology/public health stakeholders to identify specific tribal needs related to behavioral health.
    • Goal 2: Increase the number of individuals who access substance abuse treatment and recovery support services on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
      • Objective 2.1 - Increase awareness of tribally-based alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment resources among residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation and behavioral health professionals throughout western South Dakota.
      • Objective 2.2 - Increase average daily count of in-patient treatment clients served by ALO.
      • Objective 2.3 - Increase average monthly count of out-patient treatment clients served by ALO.
      • Objective 2.4 - Increase the number of individual in immediate need of alcohol and substance abuse detoxification with safe interventions to reduce risks associated with acute alcohol and drug intoxication.
      • Objective 2.5 - Increase the proportion of individuals diagnosed with an alcohol and substance abuse disorder that are linked with professional addiction, mental health, and other appropriate social services
    • Goal 3: Increase the capacity of the Oglala Sioux Tribe's behavioral health workforce to plan, implement, and evaluate best and promising practices demonstrated to reduce alcohol, commercial tobacco, and other drug use.
      • Objective 3.1 - Facilitate training and technical assistance with ALO treatment providers related to addiction counseling competencies as defined by SAMHSA.
      • Objective 3.2 - Facilitate training and technical assistance with ALO treatment providers related to counseling theories, techniques, and evidence-based practices.
      • Objective 3.3 - Increase ALO treatment provider’s ability to collect, interpret, and utilize program evaluation data.
    • Goal 4: Eliminate alcohol and substance abuse through the implementation of high quality community prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.
      • Objective 4.1 - Implement community prevention activities in congruence with the OST Strategic Prevention Plan.
        • 4.1.a. Cultivate a network of prevention partners within all 9 districts across the reservation.
        • 4.1.b. Implement a social marketing campaign to increase health education to the public.
        • 4.1.c. Implement community-based activities that provide prevention education within the context of Lakota culture.
      • Objective 4.2 - Implement screening protocol for assisting clients presenting to ALO.
      • Objective 4.3 - Implement youth intervention services and day treatment services within the Tribe’s juvenile correctional facilities.
      • Objective 4.4 - Implement outpatient treatment and recovery support services which synchronize evidence-base practices within a cultural-based approach.
      • Objective 4.5 - Implement inpatient treatment services which synchronize evidence-base practices within a cultural-based approach.
      • Objective 4.6 - Implement an evaluation plan for continuous quality improvement.