Examples of programs that can be supported include those similar to the following:
- Delivery of evidence-based youth prevention curricula. A list of evidence-based programs can be found at www.nrepp.samhsa.gov. Local programs not on the list will be considered if there is sufficient data demonstrating program impact.
- Delivery of best and promising community wellness strategies/interventions that are demonstrated to affect positive change at the population level related to preventing or reducing alcohol, commercial tobacco, and other drug use.
- Youth-led groups that deliver: 1. prevention education and messaging to their peers; 2. promote healthy life styles; and/or 3. highlight the connection between alcohol, substance abuse, and suicide.
- Prevention programs that incorporate aspects of horsemanship, archery, American Indian crafts, Lakota song and dance, as well as other culturally-based activities that have a strong component of mentoring.
- Implementation of Anpetu Luta Otipi’s Alcohol and Drug Prevention Campaign that deliverers education about the health, economic, and social consequences of underage drinking and recruits youth to pledge alcohol and drug-free lifestyles.
- Delivery of evidence-based recovery support/relapse prevention services among individuals working to maintain sobriety.